Welcome to The Writing Space
Whatever your starting point or reasons for writing, The Writing Space will help you develop your writing skills. We offer workshops, coaching and bespoke events using expressive, reflective and creative writing.
Meet Judi
Founder of The Writing Space
Writer, poet, art maker, writing for wellbeing practitioner, survivor and thriver, Judi’s work encompasses creative and therapeutic writing practices. She holds an MA with Distinction in Creative Writing and Personal Development (Sussex University).
Judi is a member of the National Association for Writers in Education and Lapidus, the international words for wellbeing organisation. She is a Relational Dynamics coach (ILM Level 7 equivalent) and undergoes regular professional supervision.
After teaching Creative Writing at the University of Hertfordshire, Judi established The Writing Space in 2012 to offer writing workshops and creative coaching for groups and individuals. She has published poems and stories in anthologies.
years of teaching creative writing
years of coaching experience
workshops designed & delivered
Our next workshop
Writing in the Wardrobe
We’re planning our next Writing in the Wardrobe course. Subscribe to our newsletter below to find out more.
Wardrobes are full of memories of people, places and events – clothes you love, and clothes you no longer wear but can’t let go of. What meaning do clothes hold for you? What do your clothes say about you?
Join The Writing Space for a course of 3 weekly workshops exploring clothes, real and imagined.
Our clothes can say so much about us. Step into the magical world of wardrobes and come and write about clothes – your own and other people’s.
Our Values
We believe that…
Humans are inherently creative
Anyone can be a writer
Everyone has a story to tell
Your story matters
Writing can be the beginning and the completion of healing
Writing in community should help you to flourish and feel empowered
We want our writing spaces to be …
Creatively challenging
Emotionally supportive
Trauma informed
To achieve this we will ….
Continue learning
Follow safe, trauma-informed practices
Regularly refresh our training
Listen to people’s needs
Respond to feedback
Practise what we teach